It is said that the fakest goods are sold by the seller who shouts the loudest in the market. While many manufacturers would claim their safety films to be worth the money, very few actually deliver. A good research is very important so as to make sure that you get a right and authentic glass tint or safety film. Here are a few steps to follow in order to avoid the blunders while selecting safety film or glass.
- Do not purchase the safety film without any background check of the manufacturer as well as the seller. Make sure that you are able to find the manufacturer’s info. If consumers can’t find the manufacturer info for a certain brand, it means that the safety film is not genuine.
- Do not forget to check out the packaging of the safety film that is going to be installed. An authorized window safety film from the manufacturer will always have a perfect labelling and series number marked on the packaging as well as on the film itself.
- Do not forget to ask the seller to perform certain tests on the film:
- Do a practical testing on the window tint film under a spotlight that is very hot.
- Ask the seller to perform a Solar Meter device testing.
- Ask for spotlight testing on the safety film after the installation is done.
Keeping these steps in mind, one can easily determine which safety film is genuine and which is fake before going for the installation process. Purchasing fake safety films is going to reduce the quality of tint and its performance is not going to be as effective as the genuine one.